Meeting links will be sent to the email address that you registered for the course with. The links will be sent to you approximately 1 week before the meeting, 1 day before the meeting and 1 hour before the meeting. Please make sure you are using the correct email address when searching for the link.
You must attend the MSO CE meetings with the email link that was sent to you and with the email address you registered with. You cannot join via a phone for CE credits! "Attendees must be able to have immediate interaction with the instructor (i.e., live webinar). The activity can only be presented at one specified time, and once it has taken place, the learners may no longer participate in that activity."
If you are using a work email address, please make sure your employer's server does not have restrictions in place that will mark MSO emails as spam or undeliverable. If this is the case, please update your Personify (AOA/MSO) account with a personal email address, not a work address.
Lecture notes are now housed on the MSO website, you now have access to log in download, save, and/or print the lecture notes.
Partial CE credit cannot be given for a CE course; you must attend the entire CE lecture.
The MSO will email you your Certificate of Attendance within one week of the completion of this meeting.
You will need to fill out the certificate with your personal information, this is for your records only in case you are ever audited.
If you supplied the MSO with a proper OE Tracker number; the MSO submits your COPE approved CE credits to ARBO. You must allow ARBO 3 weeks to upload this on their end. If you did not supply the number or entered it incorrectly, you must submit your CE to COPE on your own.
If you have any last-minute concerns, issues, or problems with an upcoming CE, please contact the MSO office by 3:00PM on Friday afternoon before the meeting. The MSO staff email inboxes are not monitored on weekends.
Registrations are final, no refunds will be issued.